WinKontrol 2007

  1. Content
  2. Introduction
  3. Necessary HW and operating system
  4. Instructions for experienced PC users
    1. Installation
    2. WinKontrol
  5. Installation
  6. First start and WinKontrol Program setting
  7. Working with WinKontrol Program
  8. Data
  9. Report
  10. Chip
  11. Settings
  12. Information
  13. Licence, warranty
  14. WK Downloader
  16. Working with sensors
  17. Uninstalling
  18. Technical parameters
  19. Quick course for basic work

Guide for experienced PC users

This simple guide is meant for users who are experienced with working with a computer and can manage without detailed instructions. In majority of cases, all you have to do is follow the installation program's instructions. If you are not sure how to proceed or you will want to see illustrations, then go to detailed instructions.


Adapter installation

There are four types of adapters: TMA and TMC for serial port and TME and TMD USB adapters.

Installation of TMA and TMC adapters:

Connect the adapter in the serial port and continue installing the WinKontrol program. There is no need to install drivers.

Installation of USB TME adapter:

  1. Connect the adapter to the USB port.
  2. Normally, Windows will notify you of new device found and will offer to install the drivers (if this does not take place automatically, click on the New Device Found notice).

    Older version of Windows will not recognize a new device. In this case, use Add New Hardware Wizard.

  3. First of all, new virtual COM port (VCP) will be installed.
  4. The necessary drivers can be found on the enclosed CD. Insert the CD in the CD drive.
  5. Continue with selection Install from Directory.
  6. Select driver search from the CD-ROM.
  7. Ignore the Microsoft warning and finish the installation.
  8. Now, you have created a virtual COM port.
  9. Installation will continue installing adapter drivers.
  10. If you removed the installation CD, re-insert the installation CD back into the computer.
  11. Continue with selection Install from Directory.
  12. Select driver search from the CD-ROM.
  13. Ignore the Microsoft warning and finish the installation.
  14. After the installation of VCP is finished, check for the virtual port number assigned to it through Hardware Manager.

    In order that the TME adapter works properly, the USB adapter must be installed in a the port with lower number than 10. In case that the system has opted for a port with a higher number, open Properties of this port with a right click and change that number. First of all, though, check in the Device Manager, if the newly assigned port is not used by a different device.

Installation of the USB TMD adapter:

  1. Connect the adapter to USB port.
  2. Normally, Windows will notify you New Device Found and will offer installation of drivers (if this does not take place automatically, click on the New Device Found notice).

    Older versions of Windows will not recognize new device. In that case proceed as follows: Open Start – Settings – Control Panel – Add New Hardware. A new hardware installation wizard will open.

  3. The necessary drivers can be found on the enclosed CD. Insert this CD in the CD drive.
  4. Continue with selection Install from Directory.
  5. Select driver search from the CD-ROM.
  6. Ignore the Microsoft warning and finish the installation.

Installation of WinKontrol ®

  1. Insert WinKontrol ® installation CD-ROM disk in the CD drive.
  2. Follow the installation instructions.
  3. In the first window, click on Next.
  4. In the second window, you have an option of selecting location of your directory, where the program will be installed.
  5. In other selections, choose location of program proxies, with which the program will be started.
  6. Before the actual installation starts, a brief overview of installation will be visible. Check all items and if you don’t wish to make any changes, click on Install.


In this chapter, you will find a brief description of WinKontrol handling; for more detailed information, please go to First start and settings of WinKontrol program ® and chapter Working with WinKontrol ®.

When you start the program for the first time and you will get a notification that the program cannot establish connection with the adapter, you first have to set the correct port number in WinKontrol, through which the adapter is connected. Make sure that the adapter is correctly installed and from the File Manager, locate the port number assigned to the adapter. In the WinKontrol program, open Settings Menu – Adapter and select the appropriate type of adapter and port number then re-start and the WinKontrol will establish communication and will ask you for the license number.

The program control is divided into five logical sections: Data, Report, Chip, Settings and Information.

In the section Data, you may add, edit and delete individual parts of the PES® patrol system: sensors, guards, control chips (i.e. checkpoints), keypads and events. The recorded data can be used to generate clear reports. You may also enter individual patrol routes and create shifts with its weekly work schedules. In order that the program fulfils its correct function, you have to have a record of at least the basic parts of the system: sensors and control chips (i.e. checkpoints). To generate patrol routes, we recommend you record even your guards. The patrol routes provide for a clear overview of your guards on duty. The shifts system and scheduling is suitable for exact planning of the guards' duties while at the same time, it offers a simple control.

In the section Report you may create various types of reports from data recorded and processed by the PES® system. Reports are always generated for a defined period – if defined by an interval, you will be asked for the definition when preparing a report. The next dialogue window you will encounter while preparing a print-out is a statistics which will briefly inform you about the contents of the report being generated. The most detailed record in available under Detailed report.

The section Chip, together with the connected adapter, allows you to work with and read data chips, their settings (transfer, time or copy chip) and displaying chip information. In this section, you can also install a new firmware for your adapter Upgrade firmware adapteror firmware for your sensors under Upgrade sensors firmware. Here too you may process the data downloaded to different computers (data transfers to different PCs can be done through adapter and WK Downloader program).

In Settings, you can fine-tune the program to your specific requirements. The first item, adapter - is the basis for correct communication between the program and adapter. Next, you can select the required language option and pre-set print parameters (e.g. reports), password protect access into the program or allow access to other persons, set the time and date format, use of Daylight Savings Time, pre-set colours that will be used in reports, sequence of information in reports… Under the selection Options you can find yet another choices, such as font type for your reports and others.

The section Information will provide you with the (serial) number of connected adapter, the database status, program version, and whether or not there are updates available from the internet.